Q&A with Our Designers

How Do You Approach Client Collaboration?

Who’s ready for some more tips and advice from our incredible designers? This talented team expertly guides people through the design and renovation process and creates beautiful spaces every day.

Today, we have Carly, Naomi, and Cristine answer a common remodeling question, “how do you approach collaborating with clients?” Read on below for each of their answers!

Carly does her best to listen first and foremost, and she will share her favorite styles and selections when her clients are struggling with decisions and then let them choose from there.

Naomi always starts with an open mind and honesty. Throughout her career, Naomi has found that even if their ideas don’t fully align at first, her clients appreciate honesty above all else. From there, they can evolve their plans and make decisions together.

Cristine approaches collaborating with clients as a partnership. She believes it’s essential to understand each homeowner’s unique needs and style so that the design she creates reflects them while remaining functional and beautiful for their daily life.

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